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Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction

Substance unrelated

Among behavioural addictions, the current discussion focuses on gambling addiction, pathological Internet gambling, excessive internet porn consumption or shopping addiction. Currently, however, only gambling addiction has found its way into DSM-5 as a diagnosis. There is no scientific evidence on the other behavioural addictions, although some of them have been included in the DSM-5 appendix for this very reason: For further development of basic principles that would justify or definitely exclude a diagnosis. This is where the ISGF intends to make a contribution in the coming years. In addition, studies are planned on projects on the prevention of behavioural addictions with the support of new media. 

In the case of pathological or problematic gambling behaviour, a recent study estimates that approximately 120,000 people in Switzerland, mainly men, are affected (SFA 2007). Measures to reduce pathological or problematic gambling behaviour can be taken by law, structurally, through education, counselling or therapy. In international studies, mainly moderate effects have been shown and especially the legal and structural measures have been described as problematic (e.g. Williams et al. 2012). 

Current projects


    Development, piloting, networking and evaluation of an online self-help interface for problematic and pathological gambling behaviour
  • hands-off
    Development and effectiveness testing of a web-based self-help program to reduce problematic online pornography consumption
  • Changing to win
    Development and testing of the effectiveness of a new web-based integrated intervention for problematic/pathological gambling behaviour and tobacco consumption

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