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Nikolai Kiselev has been working as a scientific researcher for the Swiss Research Institute for Public Health and Addiction since spring 2022. After his studies of psychology at the University of Zurich he started to work for PluSport, the umbrella organization and competence center for disability sport in Switzerland. There he launched a project for the development of sports programs for people with psychiatric experience in Switzerland (www.psysport.ch). In 2021, he took over the management of scientific and academic projects related to disability sports and inclusion at PluSport. In addition, between 2017 and 2019, Nikolai was a Ph.D. student at the Clinic for Consultant Psychiatry and Psychosomatics at the University Hospital Zurich. He was part of the Horizon2020 project "STRENGTHS: Scaling-up psychological interventions with Syrian refugees" through which the low-intensity psychotherapeutic treatment methodology "Problem Management Plus" for this target population was tested and implemented. At ISGF, he leads several projects primarily focused on tobacco and alcohol prevention and research among vulnerable populations. In addition, he regularly supervises students in their master's theses related to the research and work topics of the institute, as well as in connection with disability sports.